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NONSTOP Ski and Snowboard Instructors volunteer in Community Day

Last weekend our NONSTOP 11 weekers at Fernie got to put into practice their new  instructor skills and knowledge, spending Saturday and Sunday volunteering as ski and snowboard instructors.

Snowboard instructor group

We have been running the Community days program in partnership with Wapiti ski area for 3 years now. After successfully passing their level 1 CSIA/CASI certification our participants can volunteer to give free lessons to members of the community at nearby Wapiti.

The kids have a fantastic time - if it were not for this partnership then they wouldn't get the opportunity to have a go at skiing or snowboarding, despite living so close to the slopes.

Instructing kids on the slopes

The people of the community get some free lessons and the 11 weekers get some valuable work experience to put on their CV; it is a win - win for everyone.  Everyone had a great day! BC Local News also ran an article on our community day here.

If you're looking to go on to instruct after an 11 week course, having a go at instructing will not only help the development of your teaching, but will also make a real difference to your application for ski instructor jobs or snowboard instructor jobs at Ski Schools across the world.

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