Age range on 2 week ski and snowboard camps. Will you fit in?
We have been running ski and snowboard camps for the last 10 years and there are several questions that come up time and time again. One question that stands out more than any other is “What is the age range on your courses?” It’s really common for it to be asked with concern, particularly by people interested in our shorter camps.
Our two week Performance and Development Camps predominately attract holiday makers. Although we get a few couples, the courses are mostly made up of individual travellers.
The social side is really important, so it’s understandable that people really want to make sure that they’ll fit in and that they’re not going to be subjected to an Falaraki style 18-30 experience!
Well, fear not! If you’re worried about being the oldie in a group of teenagers, you’re not alone. Surprisingly enough, it’s quite common for 25 year olds to be concerned with being too old... when the chances are, they’ll be one of the youngsters! Then anyone over the age of 40 thinks that they’ll be past it, when in reality they’ll be in very good company.
The chart below shows the age range on our 2 week camps.
As you can see we have a very broad age range on our 2 week camps. We have a large groups in their 20s and 30s, and significant groups in their 40s and 50s.
This broad mix of ages really builds a great social aspect to the course. Often strong friendships will form between groups who wouldn’t normally meet, irrespective of age.Meal out on a Nonstop 2 week camp
Once on the mountain, skiing and snowboarding groups are formed on ability, again irrespective of age. So you spend your time on the mountain with people who like riding similar terrain at a similar speed.
The only time that age comes into play is when we set up our rooming plans. Our most popular accommodation option is a twin room, and we are very careful about who shares a room with who. We take into account sex, age, tidiness, how much people like going out, etc. before carefully pairing people up. You’ll always find yourself in a room with a like minded person of a similar age.
If you’d like any more info about any of our courses or the types of people that come on them, please get in touch on or call +44 (0)207 720 6500.
Find out more about our range of ski and snowboard camps:
2 week Performance / Development Camps in Fernie, CA
3 week Performance / Development Camps in Fernie, CA
2 week Canadian Snow Safaris
1 week French Camp