Hi guys! My name is Jamie. I’m 31 and live in London but for the next 11 weeks I have been given the enviable task of documenting my time here in Fernie as I embark on the Nonstop 11 Week Ski Instructor Course in Fernie. Through my blog and also my weekly video diary I’m hoping to capture a little of what this awesome place and amazing course have to offer. Let the adventures begin!
All the gear, no idea. Me at Fernie Alpine Resort, with Fernie in the valley below.
Week 1:
No time for jet lag! They weren’t joking when they called themselves Nonstop! With only 24 hours until lessons started my first objective was to get kitted out. Luckily the guys at Nonstop have a great relationship with the ski shops here and we were all given a tour of the town and introductions to the experts. New skis, poles, boots, jacket, trousers - Check!
Definitely the most stylish group!
The next objective was to settle in to my new digs, here in the lovely Red Tree Lodge, and to introduce myself to my fellow ‘soon-to-be-instructors’. Having our first dinner together and then carrying on with beers in the bar all felt distantly familiar to me somehow… oh yes…..’Fresher’s Week’! Whilst daunting at first, faces and names have quickly become familiar, and over the past week we’ve done enough skiing and socialising together to feel like we’ve all known each other a hell of a lot longer than just one short week!
The beautiful Fernie.
The scene of many jubilation's and cause of many sore heads.
Whilst my new found ability to remember people’s names was a welcome surprise, it seems to have been balanced by an equally powerful ability to forget how to ski entirely. Luckily for me the guys have done a great job putting us in ski groups of similar ability. The first couple of days ‘sliding’ in our groups were very relaxed and gave the instructors the chance to double check whether anyone should be moved around. By the end of the week the groups were set and the proper lessons were underway. My ski group has decided that whilst we may lack the technical abilities of some of the others we are most definitely the most stylish and coolest overall. Nicknames have already been given, including The Bunionator, Jack the Snake, Bushy, Splinter and The Enforcer. (I recommend not skiing in the way of The Enforcer).
Nonstop is, of course, about much more than just the skiing. This week we have, amongst other things, been to a local hockey match - Go Ghost Riders! - been to The Northern (more than once) for their $10 beer, burger and bingo night, partied in The Griz Bar on the hill and partaken in the karaoke night at The Royal.
As if all of this wasn’t enough to keep you entertained, Nonstop also prides itself on the number of ‘MORE’ activities they offer. These range from snowmobiling to heli skiing to yoga. This week I was lucky enough to try snow shoe hiking. Matheson, our host and guide for the day, took an intrepid few of us up into the nearby hills for an amazing afternoon hiking though the trees and seeing some phenomenal sights. If somehow that doesn’t sell it enough for you, I can personally verify the fact that it also happens to be the best hangover cure ever invented.
So much to do… so little time! There is seemingly never a dull moment here in Fernie. This week has been a whirlwind of introductions, kit buying, beers, bingo, shot-skis (don’t ask) and ski instruction. My head is still spinning from it all but I can’t wait for it to begin again tomorrow!
All the best
See more of my first week on the Fernie 11 week Instructor course in my first VLOG:
We look forward to speaking with you.