Ahoy there! As always it’s been a jam-packed week of awesomeness here in Fernie!
We’ve now all chosen to either work towards the ‘Level 2 Instructor Assessment’ or, like me, to take the ‘All Mountain Pro’ route. This means the groups have changed, so it’s goodbye to my trusty Team Honey Badgers, and hello to my new team…. The Flying Dutchmen. You’ll have to watch my video to see what I’m talking about!
This weekend was the annual ‘Griz Days’ festival and the whole town turned up to celebrate. Lasting for three days, the festivities included, amongst other things, a parade of floats, a ‘Rail Jam’ snowboard trick competition, the ‘Rocky Mountain Lumberjack Show’ and a fireworks display.
Another event was the ‘Bacon Eating Contest’ at The Northern, and it just so happens that my kind Nonstop compatriots entered my name into the draw without my knowledge. (Thanks guys!) Whilst I may have some limited experience in eating contests, it became quickly apparent that Canadians are made of sterner stuff. I had barely tucked in my bib and tackled my first rasher before the winner finished off the requisite 3lbs of bacon in an unbelievable 3m30s!
This week we also got to try night skiing at Pass Powder Keg, a small resort a short drive from Fernie. We practically had the whole place to ourselves, and after making the most of their awesome freestyle park for a few hours we headed home via a local roadside bar. Starting the AMP course this week and pushing my skiing harder than ever before has been phenomenal. I can’t wait to get stuck in to next week’s lessons already! (After finally getting some sleep though….)
See more of my seventh week on the Fernie 11 week Instructor course in my VLOG:
We look forward to speaking with you.